Parent/Carer Careers Information
All students at The Birkenhead Park School follow our careers provision from Year 7 to Year 11. We understand the advice of a parent/carer is imperative to our students decision making and that is why it is important that together, we can give all of our students quality information and guidance throughout their school years. Parents and carers have a huge influence on helping students choose their options in Year 9 and continuously through until Year 11, when they continue on to further education, employment or training.
As a parent/carer, you can expect to be offered accurate and current information during opportunities including; Y9 options evening and Y11 information evening. On both of these occasions we will have local colleges attending to give you further information.
During KS4 all students have access to a careers advisor, offering personal guidance, who will support with a range of important activities, including:
- Applying to sixth form/FE colleges
- Applying for apprenticeships
- Support with CV writing
- Researching LMI and employment opportunities
What support is there to help my child/ward prepare for the future?
Preparation should start early, long before your child becomes an adult.
Here are some questions to ask at home between yourself and your child at home; these questions will prompt you to share stories about your schooling, any jobs you may have held and your interests. Talking about your experiences in work or education will help your child think about theirs and open up to a conversation.
Please find some links below, and have a read through the rest of our website. If there are still questions that you have in order to support your child/ward’s decisions, please contact our Careers Lead, Miss A. Hayward mentioned on the careers homepage.
- The Parents' Guide ( provides you with the information you may need at key transition points to help your child/ward create successful futures.
- provides you with apprenticeship information.
- gives careers information and guidance from the Careers Writers Association
- The National Careers Service provides you with a breakdown of all post 16 options.