Teachers Careers Information
Teachers and staff at The Birkenhead Park School understand that education is a lifelong learning process. Students need to understand the links between learning and their future career choices, to see how the curriculum will support them in their future pathways.
Faculties create a curriculum road map for year groups to ensure they raise aspirations, challenge stereotypes and instil world-beating ambition into our students. CEIAG at BPS incorporates Work Related Learning and Enterprise activities, and aims to encourage students to make the most of the opportunities available, to steer students towards making informed choices about their future.
Around The Birkenhead Park School there are posters showing careers, so all students are award how each subject can offer our students opportunities to access specific career pathways.
Embedding Careers into the Curriculum Guides
- Good Career Guidance - An overview of the Gatsby Benchmarks.
- CEC Benchmark 4 Toolkit
- LCR Careers Hub Benchmark 4 Guides: Mainstream SEND
- Careers in the Curriculum ‘What works’ report
Classroom Resources
- My Learning My Future Resources - a suite of Benchmark 4 resources to support subject teaching staff
- https://www.skillsbuilder.org/
- Liverpool Creating Careers Videos
- Lesson inserts
- BM4 subjects resource
- STEM BM4 Resources
Video Resources
- My Path – Youtube curriculum linked short videos
- Employability Skills
- BBC Bitesize - Careers
- Careers Box
- First Careers
- Videos to watch for your Career
- The Scouse Scientist
Employer Encounters
Request support from your Careers Leader, Miss A. Heyward to invite in a guest speaker to talk to students about careers or to deliver part of a lesson or a visit to industry.
Request employer support via:
- Inspiring the Future
- Give an Hour Programme via the LCR Careers Hub (Speak to your Careers Leader about this)