Key Responsibilities of Local Governing Bodies

The Local Governing Body acts as an advisory board to BePART Educational Trust Board. The meetings of the Local Governing Body take place two weeks in advance of BePART Educational Trust Board meetings.


The Board of Directors delegates the following responsibilities to the Local Governing Body, supporting the institution and its leadership and management team in improving the:

  • Achievement of pupils
  • Quality of Teaching
  • Behaviour and Safety of students


The Local Governing Body will specifically be expected:

  • To promote and support the vision and direction of BePART Educational Trust.
  • To promote the strategic objectives for the institution and its direction within the framework of the vision of BePART Educational Trust.
  • To monitor the Improvement Plan for the institution
  • To monitor the standards and performance of the institution and all aspects of student support and welfare
  • To monitor teaching, learning and assessment within the institution to ensure that timely improvements are being made.
  • To ensure that an appropriate curriculum is being offered that meets local needs and fits within BePART Educational Trust guidelines.
  • To ensure implementation and closely monitor safeguarding and health and safety requirements.
  • To formally review the Headteacher’s decision to permanently exclude any pupil
  • To engage fully and openly with any inspection of the institution, supporting the Headteacher/Principal in providing the necessary background, local context and performance in line with objectives against targets
  • To make arrangements for the election/appointment of parent and staff governors
  • To approve and review all policies and procedures that are specific to the institution e.g. Health and Safety
  • To review, monitor, provide advice and constructively challenge, as appropriate.
  • To ensure that Local Governing Body arrangements are conducted effectively.
  • To be responsible to the Directors of BePART Educational Trust and to comply and act within the Terms of Reference.
  • To appoint a Clerk to the Local Governing Body and implement clerking arrangements.
  • To maintain and publish, through the Clerk, a register of Governors’ and senior members of staff business interests and adhere to procedures for registering and managing conflicts of interest.
  • To advise the Trust of any concerns about the running of the institution that cannot be resolved by the Local Governing Body and of any suspicions of fraud or irregularity.

The Chair and Vice Chair will be appointed by BePART Educational Trust.

Professor H Aspinall, Chair of Governors, can be contacted via the Clerk to the Governors, Miss C Gardner (